What are the Bookmaker Odds in Mostbet Id?

You could just divide the biggest bet amount by the decimal odds of the bet to make the bet amount fit the level of risk. Let’s take an Example of Mostbet Id, say you have $100 in your account and are using Percentage Stakes with a 5% maximum bet. If you bet at odds of 2.50, you would need to put down $100 * 0.05 * (1/2.50) = $2.00.

Calculating Wager Amounts with 20% Risk Limit: Five Concurrent Bets Analysis

Assume you have a maximum risk limit of 20% on all bets. If you placed five concurrent bets with the following odds: [2.50, 1.50, 1.02, 8.00, 35.00], you would compute your wager amounts as follows:

  1. Determine the real bets based on the bookmaker odds. [$5/2.50, $5/1.50, $5/1.02, $5/8, $5/35] = [$2.00, $3.33, $4.90, $0.64, $0.14]
  2. Add up these stakes and divide by the maximum total stake limit of $100 * 0.20 = $20.00.

There is no problem because the total is $2.00 + $3.33 + $4.90 + $0.64 + $0.14 = $11.00, which is less than the maximum.